Simone Weil

Iste se godine na prestižni Ecole Normal Superieure upisuju dvije Simone. Po uspjehu je na drugom mjestu poznatija Simone de Beauvoir, a na prvom žena koja je umrla u svojoj 34 godini od posljedica anoreksije, Simone Weil (3. februar 1909. – 24. avgust 1943.). Crvena djevica, kako su je neki zvali jer se zaklela na djevičanstvo i aktivno bavila marksizmom, kršćanstvo je prihvatila kada su se Isus i ona sreli treći put. Prvi se susret desio u Portugalu, drugi u Italiji, a odlučujući, treći, se desio u Francuskoj (treća sreća), kada je prilikom teškog napada migrene čula gregorijanski spjev koji ju je sasvim osvojio. Simone koja je do tada bila ateista jevrejskog porijekla, počinje razvijati svoju filozofiju unutar kršćanske vjere koju je smatrala vjerom nesretnih. Tako njezin hronični pesimizam koji je godinama hranila političkim aktivizmom (učestvovala je u građanskom ratu u Španiji; godinu dana po fabrikama obavljala težačke poslove koji su joj sasvim uništili ionako slabo zdravlje) prerasta u hibridni misticizam (kažem hibridni, jer njezino kršćansko „učenje“ sadrži elemente budizma, marksizma, hinduizma, gnosticizma i td.) koji je prakticirala do 1943. kada je umrla u Londonu. Njezina anorexia nervosa tako dobija opravdanje u njezinom vjerovanju: živimo u svijetu bez Boga koji nam je „pozajmio“ dio sebe i taj mu dio trebamo vratiti. Jedini način da ga spoznamo jeste da volimo svijet koji je stvorio i pomirimo se s ovozemaljskom patnjom poslije koje nas ne čeka nikakvo iskupljenje. Weil je kršćanstvo smatrala vjerom robova u koje je ubrajala i samu sebe. Međutim, individualista, kakav je bila (kao djevojka je po fakultetu hodala s kosom prebačenom preko lica, u prevelikim cipelama i izgužvanom odijelu, zbog čega ju je jedan od njezinih profesora prozvao Marsovcem) ona odbija krštenje, jer se nije htjela svrstati u "grupu". Jedina je uz Camusa odbacila staljinizam i otvoreno ga kritikovala, zbog čega su je komunisti nazivali buržujskom intelektualkom, iako to ni u kojem slučaju nije bila. Suzan Sontag ju je posthumno (i s pravom) kritikovala zbog indiferentnosti prema sudbini Jevreja u Drugom svjetskom ratu (Weil je stari Judaizam, Rimsko carstvo i Hitlera stavljala u istu ravan, što je Sontag vrijeđalo), a to je, mogu slobodno reći, jedini veći nedostatak njezinog učenja. Simone Weil je posebna pojava u filozofiji, kako francuskoj tako i šire, jer ne samo da je živjela u skladu s idejama za koje se borila, nego je u skladu s njima i umrla što, morate se složiti, rijetko kome pođe za rukom.

10 komentara

  1. moj skromni prilog:

    pa kaže:

    The Women of 1970's Punk!

    Idealism collapsed into anger by the mid-70's. With the wrenching backlash of Punk Rock and the empowerment of feminism, the modern Rock'n'Roll woman was forged and set loose. Every girl now walking with a fierce heart and strong stride is their heir. Let's give it up for the mothers of the revolution.

    The accused: The RUNAWAYS, teen maelstorm from California who forecast every Punk and Metal grrrl to come; TINA WEYMOUTH, bassist for the Talking Heads and leader of the Tom Tom Club; her comrades from CBGB's -the New York club where Punk was born- were DEBBY HARRY of Blondie, and PATTI SMITH; Somali/Brit POLY STYRENE piledrived with the X-RAY SPEX; and her sax player, LARA LOGIC, started the postpunk band Essential Logic; Joan Jett was so enamored of Punk that she had to forge a new future beyond the Runaways; her near-twin, bassist GAYE ADVERT, sparked the UK band The Adverts; one of the first groups on the heels of the Sex Pistols was SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES, paving postpunk and goth: from Detroit, NIKKI & THE CORVETTES were the Ramones’ sisters in spirit; San Francisco brought the rage with PENELOPE HOUSTON inciting The AVENGERS; the English PENETRATION was spearheaded by PAULINE MURRAY; poet/artist/proactivist LYDIA LUNCH fronted many New York projects, including the wonderfully named No Wave band, Teenage Jesus & the Jerks; her compatriots JUDY NYLON and PATTI PALLADIN grabbed attention with SNATCH; the Los Angeles scene crested with folks like EXENE CERVANKA of X, PAT and ALICE BAG (no relation) of The BAGS, and DIANNE CHAI of the ALLEY CATS; wielding her axe like Lizzy Borden is the eternal POISON IVY of the garage psychobillies, The CRAMPS; political firebrand VI SUBVERSA flicked ‘mother wit’ like a whip with the POISON GIRLS; HAZEL O'CONNOR broke through scoring and starring in the undersung Punk film, “Breaking Glass” (and inspiring Pris from “Blade Runner”); from the ashes of junkiedom, MARIANNE FAITHFULL made an arresting comeback in ravaged granduer; from Georgia, KATE PIERSON and CINDY WILSON brought the mod past into the eerie future with the B-52's; CHRISSIE HYNDE left Ohio, worked in McClaren's and Westwood's SEX boutique, and formed the PRETENDERS; starting as erratic punks, no one could predict that THE SLITS would shortly flip the script into postpunk; the DELTA 5 did the original “Mind Your Own Business” covered by Chicks On Speed; from San Francisco, domme JENNIFER MIRO leads the perverse band The NUNS to this day; the feminist fist of LESLEY WOOD surged the AU PAIRS to glory with wit and intensity; starting as Kleenex, the German group LiLiPUT cut an astounding swath of postpunk brilliance; …as did Englands’ THE RAINCOATS…; and Germany's MALARIA, whose “Kaltes Clares Wasser” was also covered by Chicks On Speed; the United Expirements of America, or U.X.A., were conducted by DE DE TROIT from San Fran to L.A.; performance artist and sex activist COSI FANNI TUTTI confounded boundaries with the proto-Industrial band, THROBBING GRISTLE, and later Chris & Cosey: PEARL HARBOUR torpedoed stereotypes such as with her twist on “Fujiyama Mama”; and Punk couldn't be more personified than in the hellacious free-for-all that was WENDY O'WILLIAMS of The PLASMATICS.

    About X-RAY SPEX: They made one album but it is one of the five best Punk albums of all time. “Germ Free Adolescents” is wall-to-wall perfection, skewering consumer culture with barbed lines and serrated guitar and sax. The eye of this storm was the unlikely Poly Styrene. Small, eccentric, mercurial, brilliant. Seemingly erratic and perhaps hallucinatory, Poly had unerring instincts for making off-kilter things work completely. She unnerved even Johnny Rotten, who later deemed her band “superb”. It's often said that the Riot Grrrl movement and Bikini Kill wouldn't have existed without her. And the moment you hear her, you know it's true.

    -the opening cartoon is by Jerome Gaynor.
    -the Lesley Woods photo is by Philippe Carly; buy great punk shots at:
    -Alice Bag of The BAGS has a terrific site honoring the Women of L.A. Punk:
    -also check out:

  2. Ja bih je rado upoznala, da je to moguce. A verujem i mnogi muskarci.

    “Simone Weil je posebna pojava u filozofiji, kako francuskoj tako i šire, jer ne samo da je živjela u skladu s idejama za koje se borila, nego je u skladu s njima i umrla što, morate se složiti, rijetko kome pođe za rukom.”

    Uvek je to ljudima OMEN. Ako li neko zivi u skladu sa svojim idejama, a tek ako umre u skladu s njima (!), automatski se to uzima kao vrlina te kao ono sto je od (jedinog) znacaja za pojavu ovakve osobe, u krajnjoj liniji. No, zar “ziveti u skladu sa svojim idejama” ne bi trebalo da bude premisa za svakog od nas? Umesto da se bavimo “idealizacijom” njenog zivota ideja i postupaka, “santifikacijom” i uzdizanjem nje same u red svetaca, kao sto se to uvek cini sa ljudima poput nje, ja bih se potrudila da saznam detalje o tome kako je ona uspela da zivi u skladu s tim idealom? Za mene je ona ziva u hiljadama ljudi koji su to razumeli i primenili. Te odgovore trazim. Volela bih da se ovaj tekst nastavi. 🙂

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